Friday, February 25, 2011

Well Then...

Okay, folks, I've recieved no comments or messages yet.
I think, maybe, it might because no one has really heard any advice from me yet. (or, nobody reads this blog)

so here's a little taste,
I have this friend who is a junior but he's currently dating a freshman. They've been going out for a few weeks and he's already dropped the "L" word (that's 'Love' for you slow readers).
Now, personally, I think that's moving a little fast. But, this is high school, so what did you expect?
The thing is, she's going through some stuff right now and doesn't feel she can trust herself to say it back. Understandable, since she's got two guys in her past that she always seems to fall back on but they always leave her hurt.
What my friend doesn't understand is, if you want a girl to choose you, you can't just keep throwing the "L" word around or showering her with affection. Obviously this girl is going through some crap right now and she's feeling tremendous pressure on one side, and what does she feel on your side? GUILT. Big guilt, because you keep "loving" and "loving" her and she isn't going to love you back because she's confused.
You have to be her calm water. The person she goes to who will listen and understand. In this situation, YOU (my friend) have to be the one to shut up. Be there for her, that's what she needs.
That's it. Simple.
Be there for your girlfriend in her troubled time.

does that make sense? I think it does.

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