Tuesday, January 22, 2008

memorobilia of the week

  1. went to a baptism
  2. tried a new hairstyle that looks really cool
  3. my friend C came back to school YAY
  4. went to a poetry thing at the library
  5. got some new songs on my ipod
  6. started a really sad book
  7. my friend broke up with her boyfriend :(
  8. kept my room messy all week
  9. watched TV
  10. my lil brother cut a hole in my other brother's shirt

and that is what happened to me this week! thanks for reading!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

memorobilia of the week

okay, this week there isn't much to remember, so here we go...
  1. performed in a french cabaret at my school
  2. signed up for forensics
  3. my mom made a quilt (it's her first)
  4. my friend A got a detention (it's her first)
  5. we had a tornado (so that's kinda big)
  6. I went cave camping, that's camping in a cave!
  7. met a cute guy, he's 16, out of my league, and his first initial is P
  8. went to a Ben & Jerrys and got the best shake ever!
  9. did some fun labs in science class.
  10. watched that episode of family guy where peter fights with the chicken for like ten minutes.

okay, so that is my memorobilia of the week, guess some interresting stuff did happen, alrighty, thanks for reading, ta ta, pip pip, cheerio, la dee da, bye!

P if your reading this, hi!! how are you, I'm fine, k, bye!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


alrighty, here it goes, nothing is happening in town so far. I can't get a date, and all my friends have boyfriends except for C and A (I only use their first initials) plus C and A have so much potential so I know this won't last long. I on the other hand am totally helpless. I just can't believe how hard it is to find a boy who is sweet and funny, maybe a little imature but still sweet. I just summed up like half the guys in my school, and still no boyfriend, sad isn't it. If you got any tips for me, drop a comment!!!