Sunday, December 30, 2007


I have created six different ways to not be bored, and here they are:
  1. find some washable markers and draw all over your face. (MAKE SURE THEY ARE WASHABLE)
  2. Try to create a complete updo using only paperclips and cottonballs.
  3. blare out three different kinds of music and record how long it takes for someone to say "turn it off" and for someone to say "turn it up"
  4. watch three episodes of spongebob squarepants and try to find something signifigant about them.
  5. call up every single one of your friends, when they say "hello?" just say WAZ UUUUUP!!! and hang up. then see how long it takes them to call you back.
  6. go online and read some blog on, but that's only if your really, really, really bored! ;) LOL!!!!!

thank you all for reading, and goodnight!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Memorobilia of the week

This is new for me, but here it goes, I will now be posting memorobilia of the day on my blog. GOT IT, GET IT, GOOD, let's begin shall we...

  1. got a new cell phone for christmas
  2. got like a fifty dollar itunes gift card (jam'n to em this very second)
  3. did the souljah boi dance like five times
  4. got a sewing machine for christmas
  5. we gave my cheese obsessed uncle a huge brick of cheese
  6. woke up at six am to open presents (angered my parents gravely, thank you very much)
  7. got a pair of totally sweet boots with leapard print down the sides.
  8. got a new cell phone, (this is really big for me people)
  9. tried out a new shampoo for my curls, (it's working)
  10. saw Alvin and the chipmunks it was sooooo cooooooool!!!!!!!


Thursday, December 13, 2007


I got my braces taken off this morning. what a totally life changing experience! my teeth feel all slimy and weird. plus I can't stop smiling. they gave me a bunch of candy and stuff after I got them off. me and my friends pretty much ate it all at lunch.
I'm still feeling my teeth right now, nothing more to say.

if caetie is reading this: HI CAETIE HOW ARE YOU!! :D

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

High School Musical Movies

Why do they keep pushing High School Musical? It's not like it was all that great. The papers keep saying that it started a phenomenon but all it did was anoy the crap out of me. The second movie was not any better! It was the same story only now there was a pool! And it's not that the songs are good...they just get stuck in your head so don't forget them. and then there's the bands like hannah montana, jonas brothers, and all the other disney stars who think they rock. but the only people who watch them are five year olds who have nothing better to do. the only thing that puts them in the magazines is that they're hot and they have money. total rip off.