Sunday, February 17, 2008



Monday, February 11, 2008


Okay, my uncle J is pretty cool. Seriously, my friends totally love him and he's really funny. All in all my family is really cool, we're always laughing and enjoying ourselves. Especially when he's here. but there are things he does that make him a little hard to handle. for example:
  1. He sleeps on our couch till noon
  2. He eats all of our cheese
  3. He takes three hour showers like six times a day (dramatization)
  4. He listens to music from the 60's-90's
  5. He's always talking! like non stop talking!

But I guess I am lucky to have such a cool uncle. Even though he's a total pain. lol, jk, he's cool. Oh, and Uncle J if you're reading this, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Okay, I have now come up with the top-10 things to do on a snow day...
  1. build a snowman
  2. make a set of snow stairs leading up to a high tree
  3. make a huge sled ramp out of snow and record where you land and where your sled lands
  4. stay inside and drink hot chocolate
  5. stay in and play video games :P
  6. Call up a bunch of your friends and go see a movie
  7. Have a snow-war with your siblings or even your parents
  8. Take a really really really long shower
  9. Watch a marathon of your favorite movies
  10. catch up on homework.....I'm so joking! no one does homework on a snowday!

I thank your for reading Pip's Top-10 ways to spend a snow day!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Memorobilia of the Week

Here is this weeks memorobilia of the week!
  1. A boy named "T" asked me out, and I said yes.
  2. It snowed like 7 inches.
  3. I was one of few who aced my science test.
  4. I read the first chapters of a really sad book.
  5. my gym class did a whole roller blading unit.
  6. saw the movie Juno for the third time.
  7. saw the movie Sidney White for the second time.
  8. saw the movie Georgia Rule, it was the biggest piece of crap I've ever seen.
  9. went to a forensics meet, did ok.
  10. looked at a picture of a really cute puppy.

and that is Pip's Memorobilia of the Week! Thanks for reading!