Saturday, December 20, 2008


it is officially christmas break! and we get two whole weeks off!!!
woo hoo!!!
honestly though, i have no idea what i'm going to do because school does take up most of my time and without it all i can think to do is sleep.
which doesn't sound that bad, but still kinda boring.
there's a kid at my school that insists boredom causes cancer. if that's true i should probably be dead by now, cause i'm bored beyond belief.
what about you? person who is probably not really reading this.
are you bored?
probably since you're reading a lame blog. what a bummer for you. newb!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Yeah there's a flashy title cause I'm freak'n PO'd!!!!!!!

here's the deal. i have read so many reviews of stuck up, pompous, hobo-destined, over-educated, alcohol dependent MORONS some call movie critics, reviewing the movie Twilight. they're saying it was a "boring" "preprogrammed" "snoozer".
I'll tell you why critics seem to think this. Because when those idiots hear the word vampire, they immediately think "ooo, bloodsucking hell spawn!" "Yippie! Emotionless coffin-dwellers" or "woo hoo, Buffy The Vampire Slayer!!!!" and I tell you I'm sick of it!!!
here's the deal (directed solely at critics) assholes, vampirism is the backdrop of a ROMANCE. I'll tell you why you were disappointed, because the second you bought that ticket you already had a landscape of some gory blood shedding horror story burned into your expectations. the reason why so many teenage girls love it was because in going to the movie, we were able to experience the unseen events that before could only be imagined come to life before our very eyes! We scream and freak because we want to see the googley-eyes, and the secret kisses, and the deep conversations. and sure, we wanna see some kick ass vampire fighting too, but that is not the main point of the film!
you can watch any old school vamp movie you want, but you will not be able to tell me the plot of the story. and do you wanna know why? BECAUSE NOTHING HAPPENS!!!. it's just kill, after kill, after kill.
Edward Cullen is the ideal boyfriend any girl could dream for. Jacob Black is the one you would always want on your side. Alice is blinding light in darkness, Emmett is a small chuckle in a moment of intense panic, EVERYTHING THEY DO HAS A PURPOSE! and us, the readers, know that. we see that, we dream that, and we live for that. This movie is not about vampires, it's not about scandal and deception, it's about the fact that love can grow and flourish even under impossible circumstances.
this film did not have a massive budget, and they did not have many resources. considering that, I was damn impressed with how it came out. and I fully intend to go see New Moon, which will be better because now there is more money, and more inspiration.
and let me tell you something else, critics, when i go to see New Moon...I am gonna scream, and yell, make T-shirts, throw a party, and sit close to the screen until my eyes bleed.
because I am a Twilight addict, an O.C.D., a bookworm, and a fourteen year old teenage girl,
and I am DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!!!!
put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

i gotz a picture nowz!

i just figured out (yest it took me that long) that i can put some pictures on my blog. haha. i know i'm kinda stupid sometimes. so i decided to put my Twilight Logo on my blog. i made it up myself, with the help of my friend Britt. it's totally awesome and 100% original. like those bubs in suits could come up with something that cool. you wanna see some more of my creations you can check out my page on Tagged. my screen name on there is Inconditia, just look it up.
click here!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

assistance please.

okay. since i am a completely pathetic soul. and probably have no chance at love coming in the near future. I'm writing a story. I'd call it a book, but I'm only a few chapters into it so nothing's definite.
but what i'm asking of you good people who own computers, is that because i have no relationship experience (at all; pitiful) i want you hear about yours. so tell me anything that you think i can use for my story. i only ask that you keep your posts PG-13. because obviously i don't want to know everything. if you know what I mean.
but if you bother to read my blog, post a comment and help me out.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Holidays

hello people who bother to read my blog.
just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
I honestly love love love Christmas. even though it's cold and nippy
outside and my toes go numb every five minutes. Everyone always
pays attention around Christmas. Suddenly it's all about the children.
total cliche. but still. Have you ever seen how much people notice
children around Christmastime? It's to sweet. Little kids are suddenly
into writing letters and giving to others, adults are suddenly aware of
all the options of what to get their kids, IT'S A FREAK'N LOVE FEST!!!
Happy Holidays everyone!!!